Little Lev Academy Festival 2023
Let's Grow Together!
Proudly Supported by Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University
30 June 2023 – 2ND July 2023
For Young Pianists of any level Aged 6 - 12
residing in Queensland only
All applicants will have opportunity to perform.
Events include Masterclasses, 'Open Mic' sessions, Piano Showcase
sessions and Final Concert
Activities and Sessions for Teachers & Parents
Attendance tickets onsale 17 April 2023
(available at Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University)
*Audition Dates Extended to 1 May 2023
Application Fee $130 including full attendance for applicant + 1 accompanying adult
Little Lev Academy Festival Piano Showcase & Competition will be a 3 day event held at the Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University.
There will be a range of activities for everyone and opportunities for all participants to perform.
Festival Opening & Recital - Professor Albert Tiu, Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music, Singapore (International Mentor and Judge)
Finals of Little Lev Piano Showcase and Competition
Feedback from Mentors/Judges
Professor Albert Tiu Masterclass
‘Open Mic’ performance opportunities
Teachers Forum, led by Professor Bernard Lanskey
Concert of Winners & Awards Ceremony
Socialising drinks and networking
Little Lev Academy Festival Piano Showcase & Competition will be judged by distinguished panel of International and Queensland musicians.
Mentors / Judging Panel will be led by Professor Albert Tiu, with Mark Griffiths and Inna Kogan.
Prof. Albert Tiu appears courtesy of Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music, and Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University.
Category 1 – ages 6 to 7 (as of 1 July 2023)
Category 2 – ages 8 to 9 (as of 1 July 2023)
Category 3 – ages 10 to 12 (as of 1 July 2023)
Category 1 –
$100 - First Prize*
$60 - Second Prize
$30 - Third Prize
Category 2 –
$150 - First Prize*
$75 - Second Prize
$50 - Third Prize
Category 3 –
$200 - First Prize*
$100 - Second Prize
$75 - Third Prize
$250 - Most Promising Pianist (from all Categories)
*All First Prize winners will be offered opportunity to perform during the Finals Performance of the 2024 Lev Vlassenko Piano Competition
The Little Lev Most Promising Pianist will have opportunity to perform in a masterclass during the 2024 Lev Vlassenko Piano Competition
Auditions will be conducted via good quality video recording, submitted via an Unlisted video on YouTube and an application made to this Website www.lev-vlassenko.com
Please read all information carefully before completing your application.
When you are ready, click the Application Form Link at the bottom of this page.
You will need to make your payment by Direct Bank Transfer, and keep your Bank Reference to include on your Application Form
This fee pays for the participant's audition and attendance at all events plus participation in all events you are selected for. It also pays for one adult (parent, guardian etc) to attend the Festival with you.
Pay by Direct Bank Transfer to the Lev Vlassenko Piano Competition account as below.
You must keep a record of the Bank Reference you nominate when making your payment. Upload this Bank Reference when you complete your Application Form so that we can identify which payment is yours. We suggest you use the Participant's full name as the Bank Reference.
Lev Vlassenko Piano Competition Account Details
(Audition repertoire may also be performed during Festival without restriction)
*Audition Dates Extended to:
1 May 2023 - Final date for Applications and video recording submissions
REMEMBER you must perform each work or piece in a single take from start to finish.
Category 1 (ages 6 to 7)
Own choice Repertoire up to 5 minutes duration
Category 2 (ages 8 to 9)
Own choice Repertoire up to 6 minutes duration
Category 3 (ages 10 to 12)
Own choice Repertoire up to 7 minutes duration
When you are ready, record your audition using a video camera with sound, or a smartphone.
You must perform each work or piece in a single take from start to finish.
Upload your audition video to YouTube and be sure to include your name in the Video Title, and your repertoire in the Video Description.
In the Visibility section, select your video as an UNLISTED VIDEO.
***Most Important*** when you have saved and uploaded your video the screen will show you a link to your video. This is your audition link - save it in a safe location where you can always access it.
You must then EMAIL YOUR AUDITION LINK to contact@lev-vlassenko.com together with your name and your audition pieces.
View this YouTube video for clear information on how to upload your video:
Finalists will be required to perform the following pieces of music / repertoire:
Category 1 (ages 6 to 7)
Program of up to 7 minutes duration to include:
Any piece from the Baroque period
Any etude or study by any composer
Own choice piece (s)
Category 2 (ages 8 to 9)
Program of up to 10 minutes duration which will include:
Bach 2 or 3 Part Invention; or French Suite movement or movements
Any etude or study by any composer
Own choice piece (s)
Category 3 (ages 10 to 12)
Program of up to 12 minutes duration which will include:
Bach Prelude and Fugue from Well-Tempered Clavier ( Books 1 or 2) or Bach English Suite movement or movements
Any etude or study by any composer
Own choice piece (s)
The Lev Vlassenko Piano Academy gratefully acknowledges the support of Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University
Sponsored by the Trevor and Judith St Baker Family Foundation,
making a difference in our community