25. Yiqing Cao
Audition Repertoire
Prelude and Future in F minor, Bk I
Etude No. 2, Op. 25
Sonata in E minor, Hob. XVI:34
Piano Concerto No. 2 II.
Audition Video
13 year old Yiqing Cao was born in Melbourne and is currently studying at the Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School, a music specialist school in Melbourne, where she enjoys singing in the choir and playing in various chamber ensembles. She studies piano with Glenn Riddle and is currently preparing for LMusA. In 2019 she completed her AMusA. Yiqing has had numerous successes in various competitions and eisteddfods such as Eisteddfod by the Bay, Ringwood Eisteddfod, Boroondara eisteddfod, the Musical Society of Victoria’s Des Stevenson Award in Melbourne as well as 1st Prize of Recital Award at the Sydney Eisteddfod.
Yiqing hopes to continue her studies at tertiary level either here in Australia or overseas and she aspires to one day become a professional musician. Her favourite composers are Chopin and Rachmaninoff and enjoys listening to different sorts of music.